I'm focusing on growing my company on Linkedin and you probably should too
When it comes to platform choices there are actually quite a few and each platform has its own technical ways to be utilized, optimized, etc.
I have been focusing on LinkedIn after having an account for years but never doing anything with it.
That is the case for a lot of people.
Most people are on LI to find a job or some kind of money making opportunity.
And very few people actually post their own unique content——they just share others content.
What this means is that LI is a great place for content creators to grow audience and community platforms.
I have been able to grow my following pretty fast and I have a creator account meaning that I get some additional tools to support that type of content creation journey.
Here is the thing about ALL platforms, no matter which one (s) that you choose.
You get more visibility innately from the platform when you encourage your followers/ other viewers to engage and or stay on that same platform.
Many business owners who are trying to do content marketing on any platforms make the common mistake of trying to use platforms to navigate those followers AWAY from that specific platform to another platform. Posting about your apple podcast and sharing links to episodes in a LinkedIn post for example.
Not saying that you can’t promote your other ecosystems, content platforms but you should always do the following two things:
Balance your content strategy for that specific platform to include most of the content to be specific, optimized and appropriate for that specific platform. You can time to time share about happenings on other platforms but make things happen within that specific platform and utilize their tools for better reach and results.
ALWAYS share links in the comments and NEVER in the post. Again, pulling folks away from the platform is not favored by algorithms and is a big no no. When you are cross promoting other actions on other “competing” platforms share those links in the comments.
Remember, the interest of the platform is to grow that platform. Learn your audience specific to that platform—-read into insights, ask targeted questions, keep it interesting. You will begin to find that there are nuances to explore and grow upon within each unique platform.
If you are a service based provider, coach or consultant who is ready to elevate your business in the markeplace and to be seen as an industry leader and not just a commodity, not just another ____ in your service field than creating content on LinkedIn is a great first platform to grow on. You should also consider creating a business page on LI and to do a newsletter. This newsletter will go to audience members (to their inboxes) weekly!
LinkedIn becomes even more strategic with it’s SEO and messaging. Many business owners find great success using messaging strategies to pitch and to sell directly.
Linkedin search bar and it’s program Sales Navigator is also pretty amazing and again is due to the SEO. You will find your target audience easily—-and again, most of the people on LI are working professionals which makes this type of connecting even easier because networking is expected.
Any questions about optimizing LI or any of the other social media platforms?
Become a member of my closed FB group for service based business owners here.
Find me on LinkedIn here.