Ready to Launch Online With Amy Tsai Personal Fitness CEO Toronto Canada


There are many exciting ways to serve people online through your specific health modality even if you do something very physical like personal training.

Take it from Amy Tsai, a Toronto based business owner who has been an in person fitness instructor for 25 years who CHOSE to invest in a business coach to be able to make the leap to creating her own online programming in addition to her local in person fitness training 3 years ago.

For Amy investing in a business coach opened her up to new possibilities in her business and it gave her necessary support in her challenges which included marketing.

Listen in to this episode of For The Love Of Health web show to hear about Am'y’s process on how to create online products, her experience with coaching, how she views return on investment with hiring coaches and some of the very creative plans that she has for her new clients in a brand new online program called The Intuitive Diet Program aiming to help the "91 % of USA women who are dissatisfied with their bodies".

For The Love Of Health Web show premieres in the For The Love Of Health FB Group for service based business owners and other independent entrepreneurs who want to grow online. The community hosts the web show and is, at its core, a strategic space for networking and collaborations that create win win online growth opportunities for the members.

Click here to learn more about the ways Laura’s Botanicals helps service based entrepreneurs grow online.

Click here to watch Amy’s episode.