Learn marketing to improve your companies bottom line
I offer education so that service based CEO’s are empowered in understanding marketing as a direct path to sales.
Most small businesses (even 6 figure businesses with a few team members) do not understand marketing.
Marketing is the number one general concern amongst business ceos even amongst ceos who are currently outsourcing this area of their business.
Marketing is going through a bit of a pivot much like every other thing.
The word outdated is what we can apply to some forms of advertising (print especially) and also to some more traditional forms of marketing including buying lists and cold bro marketing tactics, that person emailing you out of the blue without any prior contact with you? That’s bro marketing.
Though those bro marketing tactics DO lead to sales other forms of marketing to selling have become more mainstream that do not feel so cold and are creating much success in terms of customer life and retention, to these newer styles the emphasis is on relationship, t’s not just about one order its about recurring orders and process, it feels more natural, more aligned and more realistic.
We also have seen recently a major evolution of social media as an amazingly effective brand awareness device and not many business owners understand the science behind it all. They are posting everday but content marketing is not just about posting content every day, there are layers to becoming literate in content marketing skill sets including a. intention b. optimization c. automation & more and doing so in a way that makes sense for your outcomes and energy levels. Vanity metrics are straight out of the bro marketing handbook——more numbers equal more potential opportunities for sales, which is totally cool but what about quality leads? This is where something else should also be at play.
.Marketing MUST lead to sales if it isn't its NOT working. Marketing is measurable; beautiful reverse engineering; its knowing where the traffic is coming from; its clarity in communication and effective communication for engagement, connectivity and conversion.
Not knowing your numbers as a CEO is kind of like shooting yourself in the foot.
It’s best for your bottom line to be engaged in the flow and process of the marketing plan. As a CEO you are the leader of the team and should be guiding your people towards the outcomes that you have set.
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